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Twitter is a fast growing

Twitter is a fast growing social networking tool and a microblogging service. Twitter enables you to send tiny little blurbs about anything, using no more than 140 characters. You can send out a blurt (aka tweet) about your day, what you are eating, or a new book your reading. Anything you can think of, you can pretty much say. Twitter can be a great self-promotion tool, if used wisely.

When marketing yourself or your business online, Twitter would be a great addition to your marketing arsenal. With over 105 million Twitter users, and 300,000 users signing up with Twitter daily, Twitter is a must for marketers. I have outlined some core tips for how to market with Twitter. These tips are not limited to the categories below, but they will get your brain thinking about other ways that Twitter can help you market yourself, your service or product:

Retailers, Ecommerce Stores: Tweet your sales and deals. Offering coupons? Tweet them! Here is an example of a tweet, "@ABC Retail Store: 20% off any one item at our store throughout the weekend. Hurry and grab the latest Nike apparel, or Gucci handbags! 50% off all clearance!"

Blog? Tweet a link to your latest blog posts for more exposure. You are sure to attract new readers! Use an URL shortener to fit your long URLs in without exceeding your character limits. Make sure to mix in tweets about you personally if you are marketing yourself in the blog, and not necessarily a product or business. I am not talking about giving out your SSN and Drivers license! I am talking about tweeting about your day, and events throughout your week. Tweet about your likes and dislikes, or about the latest book you are reading.

Business Opportunity Website: Tweet about your opportunity, i.e. "@SuccessWithJaneDoe: Where will you be 6 months from now? Stuck in a financial rut? Join my team and be on your way to success! [link to site]" If you create a special report on say, "Success through Attraction Marketing Online" tweet a link to it! You would want to house it on your site, and have them download it there to get them on your site, rather than having them just go straight to a download.

Keep one thing in mind, don't make it all about business! Your followers will soon tire of your promotional tweets. Focus on at least 20% of your tweets being personal. People want to get to know you to be able to trust you. Heck, you can tweet about how you just ate the best PB&J sandwich ever! Share ideas, ask questions of your followers, share interesting resources! Have fun with Twitter. Also be sure to put your website or blog link on your profile page.

Like the idea of marketing with Twitter, but still want more ways to drive traffic to your blog? Download my special report at my blog on online marketing. Happy marketing!

Veronica Yager, an Internet Marketer and Online Business Mentor, teaches her team members how to use the power of the Internet and become a top income earner online. To learn more about Veronica Yager and to join her team, visit Veronica Yager's website at http://www.AchieveFastWealth.com now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Veronica_Yager

For a few days now, we have had some interest in our opinions

For a few days now, we have had some interest in our opinions on how to appropriately use Twitter marketing software such as Tweet Adder and Tweet Whistle, so we decided we'd offer our views with you here. We've had problems as well as many, many successes and it all makes for high-quality suggestions and good advice.

So here are our best Twitter marketing tips, we've put on screen for you...

Some things to consider before starting; if you're employing Tweet Adder, automate it to unfollow users who have not followed you in return after a few days. Let's be honest, if the member are not regular to Twitter then you wouldn't want them to be a follower and if they are they'll most likely have overlooked your follow request and 3 days is more than enough of a period for them to reciprocate. In addition before you begin to follow users make sure you have at least 5 normal and intriguing messages on your account. Would you follow someone back who has no posts at all or a person with a considerable amount of promotional material on their profile?

If your Twitter page is brand new and you've just started using it, using your Twitter marketing tools, follow up to 50 members per day for the first few weeks or so. Don't purely add 500 members to your list for the reason that you will be banned from Twitter. This possibly will sound a little sluggish however to have a lucrative Twitter marketing promotion you'll need to have some patience. As you are getting users onto your list unfollow the users who have not followed you in return using the settings that you've assigned in Tweet Adder. This'll keep your ratio looking more believable to your potential brand new members.

After a couple of weeks has gone by, tot up your following to around one hundred a day, ensuring to follow the tips that we have mentioned before. Then go of your own accord into it effortlessly and add users of your own accord (obviously, within reason).

Keep in mind to add your own set of laws to the listing as you gather familiarity as each Twitter experience is distinctive. And make sure that your content is always fresh as well as advertising to the members...we can offer all the suggestions in the world but the most focal element is down to you; being yourself.

However we would not have so many successful Twitter marketing campaigns if it wasn't for software like Tweet Adder which as suggested above above, if used correctly, is completely safe. If you want to read more about the options when it comes to Twitter marketing software simply click the link. We have lots of further advice, reviews of each piece of software and video reviews to help you decide. We like to make Twitter marketing as easy as possible for all!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_J_Wright




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